Grading Pre-Calc

Grading in my class is made up of homework, graded classwork, performance tasks, projects, quizzes, and tests. The amount of points each assessments makes up is as follows:

  • Tests/Projects: 80-100 Points each
  • Performance Tasks: 50-100 points each
  • Quizzes: 30-50 Points each
  • Graded Classwork: 10-30 Points each
  • Homework: Explained below

Homework for the week is due by Friday at 8:00 am. If a homework assignment is late the student will receive half credit. I will not accept homework more than a week late. Homework will be on Math XL. The average grade for a student's homework is recorded on this site. At the end of the quarter if a student's average homework grade is above an 80%, they will receive a 50/50 in the grade book. If they have below an 80% average on homework, they will recevie a 40/50 in the grade book.