Classroom Rules

  1. Students must keep their phones away at all times. If a student must use their phone they must ask permission. Following along in my lectures and working together with students without too many distractions is a must. 
  2. Students much be impeccable with their word. This basically means, don't say mean things. Our voices are incredibly powerful. Homophobic/transphobic and racist language will not be tolerated within my classroom. Everyone’s preferred pronouns must also be respected at all times. This also means that students are never to put anyone down or bully anyone for any reason whatsoever.
  3. Come prepared! Look at the "Required Materials" page.
  4. Students must not disctract others. 
  5. There will be no fidgeting with the Plickers cards. If you would like to fidget with something else you may, as long as it does not distract others.
  6. Food is allowed in my class, but student must clean up after themselves. If it becomes a problem, a class may lose this priviledge for a certain period of time.